Welcome to the NCSSM Staff Senate website!
This website serves to provide vital information and news regarding SHRA and EPS (Exempt Professional StafF) at NCSSM and is managed by the Staff Senate.
The Purposes of the Staff Senate Are:
To facilitate NCSSM SHRA and EPS (Exempt Professional Staff, formerly EHRA Non-Faculty) employee communications;
To promote a harmonious community by addressing issues affecting the activities and welfare of the membership;
To serve as a liaison between its membership, the administration, the Board of Trustees, and the UNC System Staff Assembly, and seeks opportunities for open communication with all members of the NCSSM community;
To be a forum for SHRA and EPS members to voice opinions and ideas about NCSSM;
To promote interdepartmental cooperation and help create better communication about NCSSM policies, State policies, and future development of the School.
Staff Senate Executive Committee
Departmental/Divisional Delegates
Academic Programs Co-Delegate
Academic Programs Co-Delegate
Chancellor's Office
Development / FoundationĀ
Extended Learning
External Relations & Communications
Finance & Operations
Information Technology
Housekeeping & Plant Facilities Co-Delegate
Housekeeping & Plant Facilities Co-Delegate
Morganton Campus At-Large Delegate
Student Life
Board of Trustees Staff Liaisons
Ryan Donaldson
Extended Learning Committee
Education Policies & Practices Committee
Fiscal Audit & Human Resources Committee
Institutional Advancement Committee