Staff Senate Bylaws

Revised NCSSM Staff Senate Bylaws November 2019

Bylaws of the North Carolina School of Science & Mathematics Staff Senate

First reading September 9, 1998, Second reading October 7, 1998

Revised & Adopted November 27, 2019


The North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics (NCSSM) Staff Senate was established in June 1998. The purposes of the Staff Senate will be to facilitate NCSSM SHRA and EHRA Non-Faculty (SAAO-I, SAAO-II, and IRIT) employee communications and will promote a harmonious community by addressing issues affecting the activities and welfare of the membership. An additional purpose is to participate in the Staff Assembly of the University of North Carolina and to gather and exchange information on behalf of the staff of the University of North Carolina. The NCSSM Staff Senate will serve as a liaison between its membership, the administration, the Board of Trustees, and the Staff Assembly of the University of North Carolina and will seek opportunities for open communication with all members of the NCSSM community. The Staff Senate will be a forum for SHRA and EHRA Non-Faculty members to voice opinions and ideas about NCSSM.

However, it is not intended as a vehicle to deal with individual issues, grievances, or complaints, nor as a means to circumvent regular administrative channels. The Staff Senate will work to promote interdepartmental cooperation and help create better communication about NCSSM policies, State policies and future development of the School.


The Staff Senate will be comprised of:

  • Permanent and full-time SHRA employees;

  • Permanent and full-time EHRA Non-Faculty employees:

    • Instructional, Research, and Information Technology employees (IRIT),

    • Senior Academic and Administrative Officers (SAAO)

      • Tier I

      • Tier II


Members of the Staff Senate will elect the following NCSSM Staff Senate Executive Committee positions:

  • Chairperson (Durham or Morganton Campus) (SHRA position)

  • Morganton SHRA Vice-Chairperson

  • Durham SHRA Vice-Chairperson

  • Morganton EHRA Non-Faculty Vice-Chairperson

  • Durham EHRA Non- Faculty Vice-Chairperson

  • SHRA Corresponding Secretary

  • EHRA Non-Faculty Corresponding Secretary

  • Treasurer


In the event of a vacancy in the office of Chairperson, the SHRA Vice-Chairperson from the same campus as the vacating Chairperson shall assume that office until the spring elections of the same year. In the event of a vacancy in any other office, the Executive Committee in the location of the vacancy will elect replacements. A person not currently on the Executive Committee, elected to serve less than half of a full term, shall be eligible for election to two additional terms.


The Executive Committees of both the Durham campus and the Morganton campus shall conduct a full-body annual election of officers during the scheduled bi-annual Spring Staff Senate meeting. Elections will be conducted no later than two weeks prior to the final Board of Trustees meeting of each academic year. The Executive Committee shall determine a timetable for the election’s process. There will be one combined election during the joint Staff Senate meeting to include nominations for all open positions from both the Durham and Morganton campus.

The Executive Committees for each campus will:

  1. Distribute nomination forms soliciting officer nominations to all employees of that campus;

  2. Confirm the eligibility and consent of each nominee;

  3. Collaboratively prepare and distribute electronic ballots, ensuring that each eligible employee has an opportunity to vote;

  4. Collaboratively collect and count the ballots;

  5. The Chairperson will report the election results to NCSSM employees.

Nominations must be submitted via the electronic nominations form and electronically signed by both the nominator and the nominee. All nominees will be required to give a brief speech during the spring Staff Senate meeting at which elections are held. New Officers will assume their duties immediately after elections results are announced during the Spring Staff Senate meeting.


Staff Senate Departmental Delegates

The Departmental Delegates will be appointed by the Executive Committee of each campus to represent the different departments of the NCSSM Community on the perspective campus. The Departmental Delegates will be invited to meet with the Executive Committee of their campus to discuss reports, concerns, issues, and activities concerning the department or division they represent, to plan biannual meetings.

Staff Senate Board of Trustee Liaisons

The Board of Trustees liaisons will be appointed by the Staff Senate Chair. The liaisons will consist of both EHRA Non-Faculty and SHRA employees from both the Durham and Morganton campuses. The liaisons will represent the Staff Senate members at the NCSSM Board of Trustees committee meetings each quarter. The liaisons will report the proceedings of these meetings at the next regular full-body meeting of the Staff Senate. Each liaison will have an alternate to ensure representation at each Board meeting.

UNC Staff Assembly Delegates

The Chairperson of the Staff Senate will serve as one of the three campus delegates to the UNC Staff Assembly. One Vice-Chair of the Durham Campus and one Vice-Chair of the Morganton campus will make up the remaining two UNC Staff Assembly Delegates. One Vice-Chair Delegate must be an SHRA Vice-Chair and one must be EHRA-NF Vice-Chair. The Executive Committees of each campus will jointly determine which Vice-Chair from each campus will be a delegate to the UNC Staff Assembly. The term of the Vice-Chair delegates to the UNC Staff Assembly is one year from July to June.


Executive Committee

SHRA and EHRA Non-Faculty permanent full-time employees elect the SHRA Chairperson to oversee the entire NCSSM Staff Senate and Executive Committee positions for both the Morganton and Durham Campus. The officers of the Staff Senate Executive Committee are:

  • Chairperson (Durham or Morganton Campus) (SHRA position)

  • Morganton SHRA Vice-Chairperson

  • Durham SHRA Vice-Chairperson

  • Morganton EHRA Non-Faculty Vice-Chairperson

  • Durham EHRA Non- Faculty Vice-Chairperson

  • SHRA Corresponding Secretary

  • EHRA Non-Faculty Corresponding Secretary

  • Treasurer

Ad Hoc Committees

As the need becomes apparent for an Ad Hoc committee to examine an issue or implement a task, the Executive Committee of each campus shall appoint a Chairperson from the Staff Senate members of their campus to form a committee. The Chairperson of the committee will select members for the committee with recommendations from the Executive Committee of that campus. All Ad hoc committees must be approved by the Staff Senate Chair.


The Executive Committee and the Staff Senate Departmental Delegates of each campus will meet quarterly to discuss reports, concerns, issues, and activities and plan Durham and Morganton combined biannual (Fall and Spring) meetings.

The full-body Staff Senate (Morganton and Durham) will meet biannually following the NCSSM Board of Trustees meeting to conduct Staff Senate business, report information from the Executive Committee/Departmental Delegate meetings and the Board of Trustees meeting and solicit feedback about the information presented. One meeting shall be in Morganton, and one meeting shall be in Durham.

UNC Staff Assembly delegates will present reports on the information received from the UNC Staff Assembly to the Staff Senate at the regular scheduled biannual fall and spring meetings of the Staff Senate. The Staff Assembly Delegates include the Staff Senate Chairperson, a Durham Vice-Chair and a Morganton Vice-Chair. One Vice-Chair must be SHRA, and one Vice-Chair must be EHRA-NF. The Vice-Chair Delegates will be determined by each Campus Executive Committee.

Voting – Only permanent full-time SHRA and EHRA-NF/IRIT employees of NCSSM may vote on Staff Senate issues.

Quorum – Ten (10) percent of the Staff Senate members shall constitute a quorum. To carry a motion, a simple majority (anything more than 50%) of the members voting must past affirmative votes, except for the amendments to the bylaws, which require a two-thirds majority vote. The Chairperson shall refrain from voting except in the event of a tie.

Parliamentary Procedures

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, shall to the extent practicable, govern all proceedings of the Staff Senate.

Bylaws Amendments

These bylaws may be amended by the ballot vote within five (5) days following presentation at the regular biannual meeting of the Staff Senate. Approval shall be a two-thirds majority of the total votes received.




1 NCSSM Position

(Durham or Morganton)


  • Incumbent must be a permanent full-time SHRA employee of NCSSM from either the Durham Campus or Morganton Campus;.

  • Knowledgeable about the programs and activities of NCSSM.

  • Must have served on the Staff Senate for at least one academic year prior to running for the Chairs’ position.

  • Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively in oral and written form.

  • Demonstrated ability to exercise good judgment.

  • Demonstrated ability to be a good facilitator.

  • Committed to serving the common interests of the SHRA and EHRA Non-Faculty staff of both the Durham and Morganton Campus


In accordance with the NCSSM Staff Senate Bylaws, the Chairperson shall be staff elected at large and shall serve as Chair for two consecutive years beginning in July of the academic school year.

General Description

The Chairperson presides at full Staff Senate and Executive Committee meetings. He/She represents the Staff Senate at NCSSM Board of Trustees as an Ex-Officio member of the Board of Trustees, serves as a delegate of the UNC Staff Assembly and attends other official meetings as necessary.

The Chairman’s specific duties and responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Preside at full Staff Senate meetings;

  • Preside at Executive Committee meetings;

  • Adhere to the Executive Officer's Responsibilities;

  • Represent the Staff Senate at NCSSM Board of Trustees Meetings as a member of the Board of Trustees Ex-officio;

  • Represent the Staff Senate at UNC Staff Assembly Meetings;

  • Represent the Staff Senate in other meetings as the need arises;

  • Comprise committees as the need arises for certain issues and circumstances;

  • Have meetings with the Chancellor of the school as the need arises. The Chairperson must bring a written proposal prior to attending these meetings with the Chancellor;

  • Serve as Chair-Ex-Officio for one year after his/her term and will attend meetings if needed to assist the incoming chairs;

  • Schedule a training meeting with the incoming Chairperson prior to full completion of his/her term as Chairperson.


  • Be flexible and available

  • Serve as a support system for other officers and staff

  • Ensure that the Senate and its members are adhering to the Bylaws of the SA Staff Senate at the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics;

  • Remain professional in all circumstances;

  • Attend all Executive Meetings;

  • Attend all Full Staff Senate meetings;

  • If unable to attend a meeting you must give a minimum of one week’s notice to other officers discussing why you cannot attend.

Time Commitment Required

  • 2 Joint SHRA & EHRA-NF meetings a year; (1 hour each);

  • 1 SHRA meeting a year (1 hour each);

  • 1 EHRA-NF meeting a year (1 hour each);

  • 3 UNC Staff Assembly meetings a year (two days in length each);

  • 1 UNC Faculty and Staff Assemblies Retreat; (2 days in length a year)

  • 3 Shared Government meetings a year; (1 hour in length each)

  • 4 Quarterly Board of Trustees Meetings (1 day in length each)

  • 4 Quarterly BOT Executive Committee Meetings; (1½ hour in length each)

  • 1 NCSSM Leadership Retreat (1 day in length)

  • NCSSM Ad Hoc committees as assigned (time varies upon assignment)

  • Other NCSSM official functions as needed.

NCSSM Staff Senate Position Description

SHRA Vice Chairman

(1 Durham position and 1 Morganton position)


  • Incumbent must be a full-time SHRA employee of NCSSM;

  • Knowledgeable about the programs and activities of the NCSSM;

  • Ability to communicate effectively in oral and written form;

  • Demonstrated ability to exercise good judgment;

  • Ability to be a good facilitator;

  • Committed to serving the common interests of the SHRA and EHRA Non-Faculty staff.


In accordance with the NCSSM Staff Senate Bylaws, the SHRA Vice-Chairman shall be staff elected at large and shall serve as SHRA Vice Chairman for one consecutive year beginning in July of the Academic School Year.

General Description:

The SHRA Vice-Chairperson will assist the Chairperson and perform the duties of the Chairperson in his/her absence.

The Vice-Chairman’s specific duties and responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Assist Chairperson as needed;

  • In the absence of the Chairperson, be able to perform and adhere to any necessary duties that include, but are not limited to:

    • Preside at Full Staff Senate Meetings;

    • Preside at Quarterly Executive Committee meetings;

    • Represent the Staff Senate at NCSSM Board of Trustees meetings;

    • Represent the Staff Senate at the Staff Assembly monthly meetings;

    • Represent the Staff Senate in other meetings as the need arises;

    • Comprise committees as the need arises for certain issues and circumstances;

    • Have meetings with the Chancellor of the school as the need arises;

    • Adhere to the Executive Officers Responsibilities;

    • Serve as Vice-Chair Ex-Officio for one year after his/her term and will attend meetings if needed to assist the incoming chairs;

    • Be available upon completion of his/her term for consultation of new SHRA Vice-Chair;

    • Schedule a training meeting with the incoming SHRA Vice-Chairperson prior to full completion of his/her term as SHRA Vice-Chairperson.


  • Be flexible and available;

  • Serve as a support system for other officers and staff;

  • Ensure that the Senate and its members are adhering to the Bylaws of the Staff Senate and the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics;

  • Remain professional in all circumstances due to the fact you not only represent yourself but the Staff Senate as well;

  • Attend all Executive Meetings;

  • Attend all full Staff Senate meetings;

  • If unable to attend a meeting you must give a minimum of one week’s notice to other officers discussing why you cannot attend.

Time Commitment Required

  • 2 Joint SHRA & EHRA-NF meetings a year; (1 hour each);

  • 2 SHRA meetings a year (1 hour each);

  • 3 Shared Government meetings a year; (1 hour in length each)

  • Executive Committee meetings (time varies upon meeting times)

  • NCSSM Ad Hoc committees as assigned (time varies upon assignment)

  • Other NCSSM official functions as needed.

NCSSM Staff Senate Position Description

EHRA Non-Faculty Vice Chairman

(1 Durham position and 1 Morganton position)


  • Incumbent must be a full-time EHRA Non-Faculty employee of NCSSM

  • Knowledgeable about the programs and activities of NCSSM;

  • Ability to communicate effectively in oral and written form;

  • Demonstrated ability to exercise good judgment;

  • Ability to be a good facilitator;

  • Committed to serving the common interests of the SHRA and EHRA Non-Faculty staff.


In accordance with the NCSSM Staff Senate Bylaws, the EHRA Non-Faculty Vice-Chairman shall be staff elected at large and shall serve as EHRA Non-Faculty Vice Chairman for one consecutive year beginning in July of the academic school year.

General Description:

The EHRA Non-Faculty Vice-Chair will assist the Chairperson as needed and represent the EHRA-NF/IRIT employees of their campus to the Staff Senate.

The EHRA Non-Faculty Vice Chairman’s specific duties and responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Assist Chairperson as needed;

  • In the absence of both the Chairperson and the SHRA Vice-Chairperson, be able to perform and adhere to any necessary duties that include, but are not limited to:

    • Preside at Full Staff Senate Meetings;

    • Preside at Quarterly Executive Committee meetings;

    • Represent the Staff Senate at NCSSM Board of Trustees meetings;

    • Represent the Staff Senate at the Staff Assembly monthly meetings;

    • Represent the Staff Senate in other meetings as the need arises;

    • Comprise committees as the need arises for certain issues and circumstances;

    • Have meetings with the Chancellor of the school as the need arises;

    • Adhere to the Executive Officers Responsibilities;

    • Serve as Vice-Chair Ex-Officio for one year after his/her term and will attend meetings if needed to assist the incoming chairs;

    • Be available upon completion of his/her term for consultation of new EHRA-NF Vice-Chair;

    • Schedule a training meeting with the incoming EHRA-NF Vice-Chairperson prior to full completion of his/her term as EHRA-NF Vice-Chairperson.


  • Be flexible and available;

  • Serve as a support system for other officers and staff;

  • Ensure that the Senate and its members are adhering to the Bylaws of the Staff Senate and the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics;

  • Remain professional in all circumstances due to the fact you not only represent yourself but the Staff Senate as well;

  • Attend all Executive Meetings;

  • Attend all full Staff Senate meetings;

  • If unable to attend a meeting you must give a minimum of one week’s notice to other officers discussing why you cannot attend.

Time Commitment Required

  • 2 Joint SHRA & EHRA-NF meetings a year; (1 hour each);

  • 2 EHRA Non-Faculty meetings a year (1 hour each);

  • 3 Shared Government meetings a year; (1 hour in length each)

  • Executive Committee meetings (time varies upon meeting times)

  • NCSSM Ad Hoc committees as assigned (time varies upon assignment)

  • Other NCSSM official functions as needed.

NCSSM Staff Senate Position Description

Corresponding Secretary

(1 Durham position and 1 Morganton position)


  • Incumbent must be a full-time SHRA or EHRA Non-Faculty employee of NCSSM;

  • Knowledgeable about the programs and activities of the NCSSM;

  • Ability to communicate effectively in oral and written form;

  • Basic knowledge of MS Word, Google Documents, Google Drive, and Gmail;

  • Demonstrated ability to exercise good judgment;

  • Ability to be a good facilitator;

  • Committed to serving the common interests of the SHRA and EHRA Non-Faculty staff.


In accordance with the NCSSM Staff Senate Bylaws, the Corresponding Secretary shall be staff elected at-large and shall serve as Corresponding Secretary for one year beginning in July of the academic school year.

General Description:

The Corresponding Secretary is the recording officer of the Staff Senate and the custodian of its records, except those specifically assigned to others. He/She will be responsible for taking minutes during Senate meetings and distributing the minutes and other pertinent information to the Staff Senate Members.

The Corresponding Secretary’s specific duties and responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Adhere to the Executive Officers responsibilities;

  • Serve as the Recording Officer of the Staff Senate;

  • Serve as the custodian of Staff Senate Records; (Note: This excludes those records that are assigned to others);

  • Take minutes at both the Executive Committee, full Staff Senate and Staff Senate meetings;

  • Distribute the minutes via email to the Executive Senate members;

  • Distribute the minutes and other pertinent information to the Staff Senate meetings;

  • The minutes and other information must be posted on the Staff Senate Webpage;

  • Serve as Corresponding Secretary Ex-Officio for one year after his/her term and will attend meetings if needed to assist the incoming Chairs;

  • Be available upon completion of his/her term for consultation of new Chairs;

  • Schedule a training meeting with the incoming Corresponding Secretary prior to full completion of his/her term as Corresponding Secretary.


  • Be flexible and available;

  • Serve as a support system for other officers and staff;

  • Ensure that the Senate and its members are adhering to the Bylaws of the Staff Senate and the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics;

  • Remain professional in all circumstances due to the fact you not only represent yourself but the Staff Senate as well;

  • Attend all Executive Meetings;

  • Attend all full Staff Senate meetings;

  • If unable to attend a meeting you must give a minimum of one week’s notice to other officers discussing why you cannot attend.

Time Commitment Required

  • 2 Joint SHRA & EHRA-NF meetings a year; (1 hour each);

  • 3 Shared Government meetings a year; (1 hour in length each)

  • Executive Committee meetings (time varies upon meeting times)

  • NCSSM Ad Hoc committees as assigned (time varies upon assignment)

  • Other NCSSM official functions as needed.

NCSSM Staff Senate Position Description


(1 Durham position and 1 Morganton position)


  • Incumbent must be a full-time employee of NCSSM;

  • Knowledgeable about the programs and activities of the NCSSM;

  • Ability to communicate effectively in oral and written form;

  • Basic knowledge of budgets and submitting check requests;

  • Demonstrated ability to exercise good judgment;

  • Ability to be a good facilitator;

  • Committed to serving the common interests of the SHRA and EHRA Non-Faculty staff.


In accordance with the NCSSM Staff Senate Bylaws, the Treasurer shall be staff elected at-large and shall serve as Treasurer for one year beginning in July of the academic school year.

General Description:

The Treasurer will maintain records relating to expenditures of funds available to the Staff Senate for operating expenses and is responsible for making sure external vendors are paid.

The Treasurer’s specific duties and responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Adhere to the Executive Officers responsibilities;

  • Serve as the Treasurer of the Staff Senate;

  • In cooperation with the Executive Committee, prepare a budget for Staff Senate activities and commitments.

  • Submit annual budget and period financial reports to the Executive Committee;

  • Provide financial reports to Staff Senate officers as needed;

  • Provide a financial report for the previous fiscal year and current fiscal year at the end of the election cycle.

  • Be available upon completion of his/her term for consultation of new Chairs;

  • Schedule a training meeting with the incoming SHRA Corresponding Secretary prior to full completion of his/her term as SHRA Corresponding Secretary.


  • Be flexible and available;

  • Serve as a support system for other officers and staff;

  • Ensure that the Senate and its members are adhering to the Bylaws of the Staff Senate and the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics;

  • Remain professional in all circumstances due to the fact you not only represent yourself but the Staff Senate as well;

  • Attend all Executive Meetings;

  • Attend all full Staff Senate meetings;

  • Attend all individual SHRA and EHRA-NF Staff Senate meetings;

  • If unable to attend a meeting you must give a minimum of one week’s notice to other officers discussing why you cannot attend.

Time Commitment Required

  • 2 Joint SHRA & EHRA-NF meetings a year; (1 hour each);

  • 2 individual SHRA & EHRA-NF meetings a year (1 hour each);

  • 3 Shared Government meetings a year; (1 hour in length each)

  • Executive Committee meetings (time varies upon meeting times)

  • NCSSM Ad Hoc committees as assigned (time varies upon assignment)

  • Other NCSSM official functions as needed.

Note: Emergency circumstances may happen sometime and this does not apply. However, you must contact the other officers immediately to let them know that you will not be able to attend.

NCSSM Staff Senate Position Description

Departmental Delegate

(Durham positions and Morganton positions)


  • Incumbent must be a full-time SHRA or EHRA Non-Faculty employee of NCSSM;

  • Knowledgeable about the programs and activities of the NCSSM;

  • Ability to communicate effectively in oral and written form;

  • Demonstrated ability to exercise good judgment;

  • Ability to be a good facilitator;

  • Committed to serving the common interests of the SHRA and EHRA Non-Faculty staff.


In accordance with the NCSSM Staff Senate Bylaws, the Departmental Delegate shall be appointed by the Executive Committee of their campus and shall serve as Departmental Delegate for one year beginning in August of the academic school year.

General Description:

The Departmental Delegate is an appointed position in the Staff Senate. The Staff Senate is an excellent vehicle for being informed of affairs around campus and provides an opportunity to make a difference by addressing issues/concerns of NCSSM employees.

The Departmental Delegate’s specific duties and responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Attend Staff Senate full body and individual SHRA and/or EHRA Non-Faculty meetings;

  • Attend special events, meetings, forums, sponsored events or other events campus-wide and within your department/division.

  • Be available to receive feedback from your constituents regarding concerns or questions;

  • Follow-up with the concerns or questions by informing the Vice-Chair and Executive Committee of your campus.

Time Commitment Required

  • 2 Joint SHRA & EHRA-NF meetings a year; (1 hour each);

  • 4 EHRA-NF/SHRA meetings a year (1 hour each);

  • Other NCSSM official functions as needed.

NCSSM Staff Senate Position Description

Board of Trustees Committee Staff Liaisons


  • Incumbent must be a full-time SHRA or EHRA Non-Faculty employee of NCSSM from either the Durham Campus or Morganton Campus;

  • Knowledgeable about the programs and activities of the NCSSM;

  • Knowledgeable about the programs and activities of the NCSSM Board of Trustees;

  • Ability to communicate effectively in oral and written form;

  • Demonstrated ability to exercise good judgment;

  • Ability to be a good facilitator;

  • Committed to serving the common interests of the SHRA and EHRA Non-Faculty staff.


In accordance with the NCSSM Staff Senate Bylaws, the Board of Trustees Liaison shall be appointed by the Staff Senate Chairman and shall serve as Board of Trustees Staff Liaison for one year beginning in July of the academic school year.

General Description:

The Board of Trustees Staff Liaisons will represent SHRA and EHRA Non-Faculty members at the NCSSM Board of Trustees committee meetings each quarter.

The Board of Trustees Staff Liaison’s specific duties and responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Attend all regular Board of Trustees committee meetings during the regular full body Board of Trustees meetings each quarter;

  • Report the proceedings of these meetings at the next regular meeting of the Staff Senate.

Time Commitment Required

  • 2 Joint SHRA & EHRA-NF meetings a year; (1 hour each);

  • 4 Board of Trustees meetings (1½ hour each, only during committee meetings 10:30am - 12:00pm);

  • Other NCSSM official functions as needed

  • As the Need for an Ad Hoc committee to examine an issue or implement a task becomes apparent, the Executive Committee shall appoint a Chairperson from the Staff Senate members to form a committee. The Chairperson will select members for the committee with recommendations from the Executive Committee.


  • The Executive Committee and the Staff Senate Departmental Delegates will meet quarterly to discuss reports, concerns, issues and activities and plan biannual meetings.

  • The Staff Senate will meet biannually following the NCSSM Board of Trustees meeting to conduct Staff Senate business, report information from the Executive Committee/Departmental Delegate meetings and the Board of Trustees meeting and solicit feedback about the information presented.

  • Staff Assembly delegates will present reports on the information received from the UNC Staff Assembly to the Staff Senate at the regular scheduled biannual fall and spring meetings of the Staff Senate. The Staff Assembly Delegates include the Staff Senate Chairperson, an EHRA elected delegate and an at-large delegate elected jointly by the Staff Senate members of NCSSM.

  • Voting – Only Staff Senate employees of NCSSM may vote on Staff Senate issues

  • Quorum – Ten (10) percent of the Staff Senate members shall constitute a quorum. To carry a motion, a simple majority (anything more than 50%) of the members voting must past affirmative votes, except for the amendments to the bylaws, which require a two-thirds majority vote. The Chairperson shall refrain from voting except in the event of a tie.

Parliamentary Procedures

  • The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, shall to the extent practicable, govern all proceedings of the Staff Senate.

Bylaws Amendments

  • These bylaws may be amended by the ballot vote within five (5) days following presentation at the regular biannual meeting of the Staff Senate. Approval shall be a two-thirds majority of the total votes received.



The Chairperson presides at full Staff Senate and Executive Committee meetings. He/She represents the Staff Senate at NCSSM Board of Trustees and other official meetings as necessary.

The office of Chairperson serves a two-year term and may serve two consecutive terms in that particular office. The other officers serve a one-year term and may serve two consecutive terms in any particular office.

In accordance with the NCSSM Staff Senate Bylaws, the Chairperson shall be Staff elected at large and shall serve as Chair for two consecutive years beginning in August of the Academic School Year.

Qualification – Must be an SHRA Employee at NCSSM

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Preside at Full Staff Senate Meetings;

  • Preside at Quarterly Executive Committee meetings;

  • Adhere to the Executive Officer's Responsibilities;

  • Represent the Staff Senate at NCSSM Board of Trustees Meetings as a member of the Board of Trustees Ex-officio;

  • Represent the Staff Senate at the Staff Assembly Monthly Meetings;

  • Represent the Staff Senate in other meetings as need arises;

  • Comprise committees as need arises for certain issues and circumstances;

  • Have meetings with the Chancellor of the school as need arises. The Chairperson must bring a written proposal prior to attending these meetings with the Chancellor;

  • Serve as Chair-Ex-Officio for one year after his/her term and will attend meetings if needed to assist the incoming chairs;

  • Be available upon completion of his/her term for consultation of new chairs;

  • Schedule a training meeting with the incoming Chairperson prior to full completion of his/her term as Chairperson.


  • Be flexible and available

  • Serve as support system for other officers and staff

  • Ensure that the Senate and its members are adhering to the Bylaws of the SA Staff Senate ay the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics

  • Remain professional in all circumstances due to the fact you not only represent yourself but the Staff Senate as well

  • Attend all Executive Meetings

  • Attend all Full Staff Senate meetings

  • If unable to attend a meeting you must give a minimum of one week notice to other officers discussing why you cannot attend.

  • Note: Emergency circumstance may happen sometime and this does not apply. However, you must contact the other officers immediately to let them know that you will not be able to attend.

Removal – The Chairperson of the Staff Senate shall be removed from office only by a simple majority of those staff members voting. This proceeding shall be by mail ballot or public vote at any regular or special meeting.


The SHRA Vice-Chairperson will assist the Chairperson and perform the duties of the Chairperson in his/her absence.

In accordance with the NCSSM SHRA Staff Senate Bylaws, the SHRA Vice Chairperson shall be staff elected at large and shall serve as SHRA Vice-Chairperson for one year beginning in August of the Academic School Year.

Qualification – Must be an SHRA Employee at NCSSM

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Assist the Chairperson as needed

  • In absence of the Chairperson, perform and adhere to any necessary duties that include, but are not limited to:

    • Preside at Full Staff Senate Meetings

    • Preside at Quarterly Executive Committee meetings

    • Represent the Staff Senate at NCSSM Board of Trustees Meetings

    • Represent the Staff Senate at the Staff Assembly Monthly Meetings

    • Represent the Staff Senate in other meetings as need arises

    • Comprise committees as need arises for certain issues and circumstances

    • Have meetings with the Chancellor of the school as need arises

    • Adhere to the Executive Officers Responsibilities

    • Serve as Vice-Chair-Ex-Officio for one year after his/her term and will attend meetings if needed to assist the incoming chairs.

    • Be available upon completion of his/her term for consultation of new chairs

    • Schedule a training meeting with the incoming Vice-Chairperson prior to full completion of his/her term as Vice-Chairperson.


  • Be flexible and available

  • Serve as support system for other officers and staff

  • Ensure that the Senate and its members are adhering to the Bylaws of the SA Staff Senate ay the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics

  • Remain professional in all circumstances due to the fact you not only represent yourself but the Staff Senate as well

  • Attend all Executive Meetings

  • Attend all Full Staff Senate meetings

  • If unable to attend a meeting you must give a minimum of one week notice to other officers discussing why you cannot attend.

Note: Emergency circumstance may happen sometime and this does not apply. However, you must contact the other officers immediately to let them know that you will not be able to attend.

Removal – The SHRA Vice-Chairperson of the Staff Senate shall be removed from office only by a simple majority of those staff members voting. This proceeding shall be by mail ballot or public vote at any regular or special meeting.


The EHRA-NF Vice-Chairperson will assist the Chairperson and perform the duties of the Chairperson in his/her absence.

In accordance with the NCSSM Staff Senate Bylaws, the EHRA-NF Vice Chairperson shall be staff elected at large and shall serve as EHRA-NF Vice-Chairperson for one year beginning in August of the Academic School Year.

Qualification – Must be an EHRA-NF Employee at NCSSM

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Assist the Chairperson as needed;

  • In absence of the Chairperson, perform and adhere to any necessary duties that include, but are not limited to:

    • Preside at Full Staff Senate Meetings

    • Preside at Quarterly Executive Committee meetings

    • Represent the Staff Senate at NCSSM Board of Trustees Meetings

    • Represent the Staff Senate at the Staff Assembly Monthly Meetings

    • Represent the Staff Senate in other meetings as need arises

    • Comprise committees as need arises for certain issues and circumstances

    • Have meetings with the Chancellor of the school as need arises

    • Adhere to the Executive Officers Responsibilities

    • Serve as Vice-Chair-Ex-Officio for one year after his/her term and will attend meetings if needed to assist the incoming chairs.

    • Be available upon completion of his/her term for consultation of new chairs

    • Schedule a training meeting with the incoming EHRA-NF Vice-Chairperson prior to full completion of his/her term as Vice-Chairperson.


  • Be flexible and available

  • Serve as support system for other officers and staff

  • Ensure that the Senate and its members are adhering to the Bylaws of the SA Staff Senate ay the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics

  • Remain professional in all circumstances due to the fact you not only represent yourself but the Staff Senate as well

  • Attend all Executive Meetings

  • Attend all Full Staff Senate meetings

  • If unable to attend a meeting you must give a minimum of one week notice to other officers discussing why you cannot attend.

Note: Emergency circumstance may happen sometime and this does not apply. However, you must contact the other officers immediately to let them know that you will not be able to attend.

Removal – The EHRA-NF Vice-Chairperson of the Staff Senate shall be removed from office only by a simple majority of those staff members voting. This proceeding shall be by mail ballot or public vote at any regular or special meeting.

SHRA Corresponding Secretary

The SHRA Corresponding Secretary is the recording officer of the Staff Senate and the custodian of its records, except those specifically assigned to others. He/She will be responsible for taking minutes and distributing the minutes and other pertinent information to the Staff Senate Members.

In accordance with the NCSSM Staff Senate Bylaws, the Corresponding Secretary shall be Staff elected at large and shall serve as Corresponding Secretary for one year beginning in August of the Academic School Year.

Qualification – Must be an SHRA Employee at NCSSM

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Adhere to the Executive Officers Responsibilities

  • Serve as the Recording Officer of the Staff Senate

  • Serve as the Custodian of the Staff Senate Records

  • Note: This excludes those records that are assigned to others.

  • Take minutes at both the Executive Committee and Full Staff Senate meetings

  • Distribute the minutes via email to eh Executive Senate members

  • Distribute the Minutes and other pertinent information to the Staff Senate meetings

  • The minutes and other information must be posted on the SHRA Webpage.

  • Serve as Corresponding Secretary Ex-Officio for one year after his/her term and will attend meetings if needed to assist the incoming Chairs.

  • Be available upon completion of his/her term for consultation of new chairs

  • Schedule a training meeting with the incoming Corresponding Secretary prior to full completion of his/her term as Corresponding Secretary


  • Be flexible and available

  • Serve as support system for other officers and staff

  • Ensure that the Senate and its members are adhering to the Bylaws of the SA Staff Senate ay the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics

  • Remain professional in all circumstances due to the fact you not only represent yourself but the Staff Senate as well

  • Attend all Executive Meetings

  • Attend all Full Staff Senate meetings

  • If unable to attend a meeting you must give a minimum of one week notice to other officers discussing why you cannot attend.

Note: Emergency circumstance may happen sometime and this does not apply. However, you must contact the other officers immediately to let them know that you will not be able to attend.

Removal – The SHRA Corresponding Secretary of the Staff Senate shall be removed from office only by a simple majority of those staff members voting. This proceeding shall be by mail ballot or public vote at any regular or special meeting.

EHRA-NF Corresponding Secretary

The EHRA-NF Corresponding Secretary is the recording officer of the Staff Senate and the custodian of its records, except those specifically assigned to others. He/She will be responsible for taking minutes and distributing the minutes and other pertinent information to the Staff Senate Members.

In accordance with the NCSSM Staff Senate Bylaws, the Corresponding Secretary shall be Staff elected at large and shall serve as Corresponding Secretary for one year beginning in August of the Academic School Year.

Qualification – Must be an EHRA-NF Employee at NCSSM.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Adhere to the Executive Officers Responsibilities

  • Serve as the Recording Officer of the Staff Senate

  • Serve as the Custodian of the Staff Senate Records

  • Note: This excludes those records that are assigned to others.

  • Take minutes at both the Executive Committee and Full Staff Senate meetings

  • Distribute the minutes via email to eh Executive Senate members

  • Distribute the Minutes and other pertinent information to the Staff Senate meetings

  • The minutes and other information must be posted on the Staff Senate Webpage.

  • Serve as Corresponding Secretary Ex-Officio for one year after his/her term and will attend meetings if needed to assist the incoming Chairs.

  • Be available upon completion of his/her term for consultation of new chairs

  • Schedule a training meeting with the incoming Corresponding Secretary prior to full completion of his/her term as Corresponding Secretary


  • Be flexible and available

  • Serve as support system for other officers and staff

  • Ensure that the Senate and its members are adhering to the Bylaws of the SA Staff Senate ay the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics

  • Remain professional in all circumstances due to the fact you not only represent yourself but the Staff Senate as well

  • Attend all Executive Meetings

  • Attend all Full Staff Senate meetings

  • If unable to attend a meeting you must give a minimum of one week notice to other officers discussing why you cannot attend.

Note: Emergency circumstance may happen sometime and this does not apply. However, you must contact the other officers immediately to let them know that you will not be able to attend.

Removal – The EHRA-NF Corresponding Secretary of the Staff Senate shall be removed from office only by a simple majority of those staff members voting. This proceeding shall be by mail ballot or public vote at any regular or special meeting.


In accordance with the NCSSM Staff Senate Bylaws, Departmental Delegates shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and will serve for one year.

Qualification – Must be an SHRA of EHRA-NF Employee at NCSSM. There will be one SHRA delegate and one EHRA-NF delegate per department/division.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Adhere to the Executive Officers Responsibilities

  • Attend quarterly meetings with the Chairperson and other Delegates expressing concerns, issues, reports, and activities from their assigned department.

  • Bring any issues to the quarterly Delegate meetings so that they may be brought to the attention of the Executive Committee

  • Keep open communication with the Executive Committee

  • Be respectful as new ideas are brought to the table, and if an idea is disagreed with, do not disrespect the person.

  • Be available upon completion of his/her term for consultation of new representatives.


  • Be flexible and available

  • Serve as support system for other officers and staff

  • Ensure that the Council and its members are adhering to the Bylaws of the SA Staff Council ay the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics

  • Remain professional in all circumstances due to the fact you not only represent yourself but the Staff Council as well attend all Full Staff Council meetings

  • If unable to attend a meeting you must give a minimum of one week notice to other officers discussing why you cannot attend.

Note: Emergency circumstance may happen sometime and this does not apply. However, you must contact the other officers immediately to let them know that you will not be able to attend.