Staff Council History

Staff Council History

The NCSSM Staff Council began in 1998 as a result of the joint efforts of Dr. John Friedrick and some members of the NCSSM staff who were charged and challenged to establish this group. Months were spent drawing up the mission statement and the by-laws for the inception of this Council and upon completion the first NCSSM SPA Staff Council was created.

A formal election process for the first slate of officers was provided as a part of the by-laws and the elections were held by nomination process and then secret ballot to vote on the candidates. The first year no platform statements were given in a public forum but after the first year, it was felt that this would give staff members a better way of making a clear choice if the candidates each gave a public platform statement for candidacy. The first elections resulted in the following slate of officers: 

The first year of the Staff Council was a true learning and growing experience. It set the parameters for future meetings and ideas on how the Council needed to proceed. The second year of the Staff Council elections were held with the following results:

Then the third year of the Staff Council modifications were made to the by-laws to make it allowable for an officer to run and serve two-terms in the same office. It was felt that in order to preserve momentum when things were going well and the group was growing, that this consistency needed to be maintained. After voting and passing this modification, elections were held and the following slate of officers was selected:

The NCSSM SPA Staff Council has flourished since the original inception but there is still a need to grow in numbers. We are hopeful that this fourth year will bring about the needed changes to cause our Council to expand in size and in ideas.

Officers selected for the fourth year of Staff Council, 2001-2002 were:

Activities for the year included speakers from SEANC, Human Resources, the Business office, Dr. Boarman, and Dr. Slade which included a luncheon and breakout discussion sessions.

The After School Tutoring Program was initiated with great success in January 2002.

Staff members participated in Task Forces such as the Governance Task Force and the School Improvement Committee.  SPA staff members were introduced at the Board of Trustees meetings throughout the year.

All SPA staff members were presented a Certificate of Appreciation at the end of the year picnic.  Dr. Jerry Boarman and Brock Winslow, the Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees, addressed the staff before the presentation.

Membership participation increased during the year but there is still a need to explore ways to include more staff in the planning and execution of the activities.

During 2002-2003 the Staff Council celebrated the fifth year anniversary.

Officers elected for service were:

In addition, there were six staff council representatives selected to represent the diverse areas of the community:  Aryano Bush, Rick Hess, Karen McFarland, Mike Mitchell, Wanda Munn and Deborah Whitt.  Board of Trustees liaisons were Vicky Tripp, Bill Link, and Carole Stern.

Sheila Butts served as the Community Service Coordinator and Marva Hicks served as the After School Tutoring Program Coordinator.

The theme for the year was to Learn from each other, Share resources with each other and Contribute to the excellence of the Community.

Program meetings were held quarterly and featured Larry Brock, Board of Trustee Member and chair of the Fiscal and Human Resources Committee, Dr. Jerry Boarman, President and Mike Reidy, Executive Vice President.  Planning meetings were held monthly.

Activities for the year included establishment of the Exercise Program, SPA staff spotlights on the website, enhancement of the website, virtual birthday greetings, SEANC Teddy Bear Drive and the Red Cross School Chest and support for the annual Employee Awards Luncheon.

Members of the planning board received a certificate of appreciation at the end of the year and each staff member was awarded a NCSSM Staff Council calculator and note pad set.