Hurricane Relief


OSHR has approved the following options to help employees address their short-term needs during the aftermath of Hurricane Florence while also ensuring the continued operations of state government:

  • Expansion of Make-up Time: OSHR will extend the make-up provisions of the Adverse Weather and Emergency Closings policy for an additional 90 days. This will allow employees up to 180 calendar days to make up work time missed due to hurricane-related issues. This is for employees who are choosing to make-up their time during Condition 2.
  • Community Service Leave (CSL) Eligible Organizations: OSHR has provided a temporary expansion of eligible organizations that allows state employees to volunteer for organized efforts coordinated by a local government (county or municipality) entity to address Hurricane Florence recovery activities in addition to regular coverage for activities provided by established nonprofits.
  • Community Service Leave Additional Hours: Relatedly, OSHR has approved an additional 16 hours (two days) of paid CSL leave, exclusively for storm-related volunteer activities. This increases the maximum amount of paid CSL leave from 24 hours to 40 hours for the remainder of 2018. The additional CSL will expire on December 31, 2018. Employees must obtain prior approval from their supervisor and be responsible for providing documentation that additional hours used are storm-related, according to any institutional HR guidelines.
  • University Donations: The UNC System Office has set up a donation account on the Giving to UNC site to collect monetary donations for the affected UNC Institutions. To make a donation, go to the Giving to UNC landing page and select "View All Giving Opportunities"; the first option in the pop up menu should be "Disaster Relief Fund (Hurricane Florence Relief Fund)." Check that box continue with the rest of the donation process.
  • UNC Hurricane Florence Page: The System Office has set up a webpage with the latest University news related to Hurricane Florence.

Employee Assistance Program

This may be a stressful time for employees. Employees are reminded to utilize the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). The EAP is designed to help employees and their family members with problems that may affect their health, welfare or job performance. Personal issues, planning for life events or simply managing daily life can effect one's work, health and family. Compsych Guidance Resources is NCSSM's Employee Assistance Program.

The services of professionals trained to evaluate problems and identify appropriate remedies are available to you and your family members. The program is aimed at early detection and referral of personal problems such as family/marital problems, alcohol/drug abuse, and legal or financial crises. Any information discussed and evaluated will be held confidential when using this service.

There is no charge for the initial diagnostic appointment provided by the EAP Counselor. Time spent with the EAP Counselor is considered work time if approved by your supervisor in advance. The program is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Feel free to contact 866-882-0023 to speak with an EAP Counselor.


Bryan Lobby is acting as a collection point for donations to help with the Hurricane Florence Relief effort.

  • Water
  • Batteries
  • Non-perishable foods
  • Toiletries
  • Yard work gloves
  • Comfort items (board games, card decks, etc) *no clothing items please

We will be collecting donations until the first week of October, so please stop by and help out!